Sunday, 27 March 2016

I'm Gonna Let It Go

What should I let go and move on from? The 90's, I feel like it ran so fast and didn't even say bye. That kinda rhymed... XD. In non-pretentious terms I miss the nineties/early noughties. I miss shinny jackets, fishnet outfits and the music!!! People the music was awesome and I didn't even realize it till it was gone.

Meghan's new video took me back there recently. I love it. I have been playing around with the song I remixed the chorus taking out the rap part because I can and it was just nice seeing what the song would sound like without it.
And then I got Monday Motivations......
 Click It You Will Like It....LOL

Saturday, 5 March 2016

ObsesiĆ³n La Totura

I can't get this song out my head
So I decided to watch tuns of live performances...okay that's a bit of an over exaggeration, really it was just two excluding the music video. I guess I don't like the song as much as I thought or I was just really worried about exhausting my internet data untimely. A snippet below (my best parts of everything I watched)..
I really miss all this sexiness and sultriness, please Shakira come back. Give us an album, a single, a feature anything and P.S not in English. She sounds good in English but my image of her is immortalized in Spanish (basically when I think of her I see her performing in the latter).