Monday, 22 February 2016

#RANDOMS Coolest Pepsi Commercials According To Dee

My 3rd fave is the Beyonce, Jennifer and Beckham's Wild Things. Anything Beyonce ((In an authoritative voice)All Hail Queen Bey!!!....Lol) should be top of the list in my opinion but I didn't feel this commercial as much as I should have... I guess it's because there wasn't much singing. There was just this weird background noise going 'Wild Things' over and over again
Then the Spice Girls Move Over/Generation Next... perfect commerical. These girls epitomized the craze/wait for the next millennium. Everytime I saw them on T.V, I would literally think to myself when is the new millennium ? What is a new millenium? And why is everyone so stoked about it? (I clocked 8 in year 2000... so I honestly had no clue. When I did though I wanted to have another turn of the millennium happen with me being conscious of it... but unfortunately I don't want to live to 1008 years old)

Dun dun dun dun!!! Basically if the 'We Will Rock You pepsi commercial' never happened. I won't even be looking/waiting  for new pepsi commercials. I heard We Will Rock You on the radio in my neighbours house back in 2002. I was like what and who is that? Fast forward to 2010/2011 (P.S I didnt have internet connection until 2007) when I finally watched the video I was like where has this been all my life. The singing was off the chain, you had sultry Britney, gospel Beyonce and growly Pink. Everytime I listen to this I have goosebumps no lie.... Enjoy!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

My Recap....thoughts, bits and pieces

Wendy didn't you notice K.Michelle?

I am a big Wendy fan and an up and coming entertainment blogger. I recently decided to review episodes of her show. Not in the typical sense because I plan to only focus on the parts I found riveting (hopefully you found them interesting as well... so reading this wouldn't be a waste of your time)

Inside Scoop

Lamar's Doing Better And The Kardashians Are Milking It

I don't why Wendy still discusses the Kardashians on her show.... okay scratch that I do know why but.... I just feel it's the same old same old.... SHE'S GOING TO LOOK VISIBLY IRRITATED ONCE THEIR NAME COMES UP....CALL THEM FAME WHORES AND EVIL IF KRIS JENNER IS PART OF THE MIX...LOL... And before I forget! I am happy Lamar is doing better now

Shia's Uncle Wife's Apartment = Shia's uncle is still owing him money

I don tire for this Shia matter (Shia's Uncle's debt news has been running for too long ).... That being said I believe there's more to this story. There has to be a reason (other than rich people
problems!) why someone worth $25M  would engage in a yearlong fight for less than a million (minus the interest that was recently added).

Hot Topics

Beyonce Tickets And SNL Skit
No SNL staffers or writers Beyonce was black in Pink Panther but White in L'Oréal commercials

                    And then importantly why didn't Wendy acknowledge K.michelle in Jason Derulo's video clip ?

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Have You Watched 'The Motion' ?

There is nothing as cool as girl power. It has been a long time since any artist has blessed us with such awesomeness as this video. Yeah, I think at this point I should put a picture to make this more colourful...XD                                                                                                                                      
Right! Seyi Shay, like how sexy is she?  She sang the chorus and effortlessly stole the song. I didn't want the song to finish because I wanted to keep on watching her, Like She Was Giving Me Life! I'll bless you with some of her sexiness below (and just in case you were wondering....yeah it's a chick writing this).
Here is one
Here is another one

I think a third one will be overkill... but oh well... 
Why not ?
Then there was Eva and her awesomely toned tummy... People of God! I am going back to the gym! My best scene of hers....

I have never seen a ladder look that sexy!  
And Cynthia kept those dance moves coming (just so it doesn't seem weird)That's all folks!